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Self-love is a powerful tool. It can help us grow, heal, and become more connected to ourselves. Self-care and self-love can take many forms, from eating healthy to getting enough sleep to caring for our sexual health. And nobody knows that better than WAPology, makers of Dr. Ken’s WAP Wash, a scientifically-formulated intimate cleanser that’s perfect for balancing your body and promoting your own health. Here are four of our best tips for promoting self-love and taking care of yourself in all areas of life.

soapy water

WAP Wash was designed by Dr. Ken to teach women about their vaginal and sexual health. WAPology’s top-of-the-line intimate cleanser will help women balance their pH balance and promotes self-care and self-awareness. Keep reading to learn more about the options available with our WAP Wash Intimate Cleanser!

woman with eyes closed

Ladies, it’s time to take control of your sexual health. Dr. Ken has created a female enhancement supplement for women to enjoy more pleasure and the confidence that comes with it! The G-Spot Supplement from WAPology — our most popular supplement from Under Renovation Max — is an excellent way to take control of your sexual health and make sure you are getting the most out of your sexual experiences. Learn more so we can help you become more self-aware about your sexual health


Ladies, there is no shame in wanting to talk about, or to take better care of, your own vaginal health! Dr. Ken created WAPology as a way of sharing the importance of self-care and spreading education on women's sexual health — and a key part of this is understanding how to best use our WAP Wash intimate cleansers. Follow our directions below for using this formula for your sexual health and order yours online now!


Vaginal health is one of the most important aspects of a woman's overall health. Not only can sexual health problems affect a women’s physical being, but their mental state as well, as certain issues can have social or personal repercussions. As the inventor of numerous Vaginal Health products, Dr.Ken would love to inform you why maintaining a healthy vagina will benefit your overall health! Visit WAPology to find out more or to shop our products!

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Self-care should never be taboo. Yet, whether it’s due to lack of confidence or lack of proper education, many women today struggle to take full ownership of their vaginal and sexual health. WAPology is here to change that with intimate cleansers and educational efforts that are designed to empower women and their partners. We’re incredibly proud of our products — let us share what makes them stand out!


Welcome to our site! We are in the process of building our blog page and will have many interesting articles to share in the coming months. Please stay tuned to this page for information to come. And if you have any questions about our business or want to reach out to us, we would love for you to stop by our contact page.

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